Canada’s armed forces need to have the tools necessary to defend the country, says Nanaimo-Alberni NDP candidate Zeni Maartman.
“Folks in Nanaimo-Alberni have told me they want to see a made-in-Canada defence plan,” she said.
“We need a plan that matches our defence procurement with our domestic security and foreign policy objectives.”
Maartman said her party’s plan commits to defence spending levels outlined in Budget 2011. An NDP government, she said, would see leader Jack Layton table a Defence White Paper in Parliament that would refocus the Canadian Forces on its three primary roles.
These roles, she said, include defending Canada and protecting Canadians, assisting people when disaster strikes, at home or abroad and supporting peacekeeping and peacebuilding around the world.
As well, she said, the NDP plan will focus on Canada’s naval forces.
“The people of our community know how important our coasts are,” she said.
“For five years Stephen Harper has failed to procure the ships we need to patrol the world’s longest shoreline.
“Instead of focusing on F-35 fighter jets, Jack and the New Democrat team will prioritize joint support ships for our naval forces.”
— News Staff