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Parts of Parksville community park playground to be closed for upgrades

Temporary closures to occur over next few months
Photo submitted by the City of Parksville A ZipKrooz will be installed at the Parksville Community Park playground, designed with an accessible seat on one of the bays.

Portions of the Lions Ventureland Playground in the Parksville Community Park will be closed during the next few months to allow for the installation of new equipment and for maintenance as well as accessibility upgrades.

The old zipline, removed earlier this year, will be replaced with a new two-bay ZipKrooz designed with an accessible seat on one of the bays.

The ZipKrooz will bring new adventure to the playground for kids, ages five to 12.

Concrete curbing in the area of the swings has deteriorated, therefore city staff will also install a sidewalk around the back perimeter of the playground from the wheelchair swing to the new ZipKrooz in preparation for the rubber surfacing which will be installed later this year.

The swings will be closed for a few weeks to allow for the pouring of the new concrete sidewalk. It is possible this closure may be extended should the project not proceed until October.

— NEWS staff