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Teresa Cooper who recently became the executive Director of the Parksville Downtown Business Association has a background working with nonprofits.
‘It’s been almost 25 years of nonprofit work. Started with the Chamber of Commerce in Delta, did Hospital Foundation, Vancouver Aquarium, Gymnastics Center, and now Parksville Downtown,’ says Cooper.
‘Dance with me on Memorial’ is a music and dancing event that is being held the fourth Thursday of the month.
Cooper says, ‘For July, the theme is Salsa. So, you can come and do your cha-chas and rhumbas and all of that. And then the last one (In August) is ‘West Coast Swing’.
The PDBA has been talking with the City of Parksville about downtown revitalization, Cooper says the City of Parksville and the PDBA have the same vision.
‘We want excitement. We want life in Downtown, so we’re working really closely together to define and map out how to move forward on that over the next couple of years.’
LISTEN: National Mosaics Exhibition being hosted in Parksville
LISTEN: New Island mental health and substance use service link program launched
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