The town of Qualicum Beach met virtually via Zoom for their regular meeting on May 13.
Some highlights:
• Council directed staff to work with the Chamber of Commerce to help support local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic by entering into Licences of Occupation, at a nominal rate for a period ending Dec. 31, 2020, to utilize sidewalks and parking areas for outdoor seating, display or retail areas, subject to maintaining a minimum 1.5m unobstructed pedestrian corridor on the sidewalk
• The regular council meetings scheduled for June, July, and August, in council chambers, were amended by allowing members of council to participate utilizing electronic or other communication facilities.
• The Development Variance Permit to reduce the front lot line setback to permit an addition for a secondary suite for 596 Eaglecrest Drive was approved.
• The Development Variance Permit to reduce the front and interior lot line setbacks to permit a cabin with a covered pavilion for 333 Judges Row was approved, subject to removal of the hedge encroaching onto the Judges Row right of way.
READ MORE: COVID-19: Qualicum Beach council to look at how businesses can utilize street space
READ MORE: Development permits moved forward at Qualicum Beach council meeting
• The Development Variance Permit for 217 Higson Cr. and the Development Permit for 217 Higson Cr. and 221 Higson Cr., to build a single-family dwelling, extend the side yard, and undertake foreshore work, was approved, subject to: a three-metre minimum setback on the northwest side of the development; a maximum height of 1.9 metres; confirmation that there will be unobstructed pedestrian access across the foreshore at high tide and the headland structures being reduced to the minimum height required to protect the property at the specified flood control level.
• Council instructs staff to work with Coun. Filmer and the Legion to present 19 Mission Support Squadron, CFB Comox the key to the Town of Qualicum Beach and allow them Freedom of the Town through a Town Resolution. (Released from an in-camera meeting)
• Council directed staff to proceed with the reconfiguration of Highway 19A parking and designation of a multi-use pathway west of Bay Street, and that parking on the north side of Highway 19A west of Bay street be re-established where possible after encroaching structures have been removed from the public right of way.
— NEWS staff