I, David Sean McIntyre, hereby acknowledge and accept the Declaration of Authentic Land Patent, (9207)June 19,1926. As the assignee, I certify that the land described below, with its legal references, falls under my ownership, having obtained an unbroken title traced back to the sovereign ceding.
Cameron District, Nanaimo Asst. district, Part of Block 18, District Lot 8, Cameron District, B.C., said parcel containing 10.59 acres, Plan No. 1981
Commencing at the north-east corner of the said block eighteen(18) thence westerly along the north boundary of the said block eighteen(18) a distance of 5.635 chains to a point on said north boundary, thence southerly and parallel to the west boundary of the said block eighteen(18) a distance of 19.129 chains more or less to the intersection of the south boundary of the said block eighteen(18) thence easterly along the south boundary of the said block eighteen(18) a distance of 5.446 chains more or less to the south-east corner of the said block eighteen(18), thence northerly along the east boundary of block eighteen(18) a distance of 19.147 chains more or less to point of commencement: said parcel containing 10.59 acres more or less
Situated at 2590 Palmer Road , Qualicum Beach, B.C., V9K1X1, I, David Sean McIntyre , assert my individual knowledge and competency regarding this land patent. As a bona fide subsequent purchaser, I claim exclusive jurisdiction over the aforementioned property, declaring it private and unencumbered. This declaration serves notice that any challenge to my ownership must be lodged within 60 days from November 29/2023, as published in the newspaper dated November 29/2023 in the Cameron land district. Failure to do so perfects this allodial title in my name, heirs, successors, and assigns forever.
Then after,
This is a freewill act and deed, under my hand and seal.
David Sean McIntyre
C/o: 2590 Palmer Road, Qualicum Beach, B.C.