Public Notice
Qualicum School District
Considers Disposition of Property
The Board of Education of School District 69 (Qualicum) is considering the disposition of property located at 2350 Alberni Highway, Coombs, British Columbia (known as the former French Creek Elementary School). Specific details of the property are Lot A, District Lot 143, Nanoose District, Plan 15661.
Prior to making any final decision with respect to the disposition of this property, the Board is seeking community input as to the best use for this land and invites written comments from the public on or before November 30, 2023.
Written comments can be mailed to:
ATT: Ron Amos, Secretary Treasurer
School District 69 (Qualicum)
PO Box 430
Parksville, BC V9P 2G5
Emailed to:
Dropped off to the School Board Office,
2nd floor; 100 Jensen Avenue E.; Parksville, BC