Skaarup, Gudrun Kjems (nee Jensen)
1943 ~ 2008
With family at her bedside, Gudrun Skaarup lost her battle with cancer on April 5, 2008 at the age of 64. Gudrun was predeceased by her parents, Jens and Ester Jensen; and her brother Jens Jensen. She is survived by her husband, Willy, son Eric, daughter Linda (Travis) and two grandchildren, Dayna and Evan and will remain in the hearts of her friends and family forever.
A celebration of Gudrun’s life will be held at the Yates ?Funeral Home (15-1000 Allsbrook Road, Parksville) on ?Saturday April 19, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. for all friends ?and family wishing to attend
Our gratitude is expressed to the team of doctors, nurses and caregivers who guided us every step of the way. A special thanks to the staff at Eagle Park for treating Gudrun with the dignity and respect she deserved.
In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to the Canadian ?Cancer Society
We miss you Gudrun... Mom... Grandma. Goodbye, until we meet again.