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Guy Lalonde

November 29, 2005

Lalonde, Guy

August 8, 1952- November 29, 2005.

Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of Death is Birth. Life is eternal

With great love we release you into eternal life. You made a difference and we will never forget you.

Guy is survived by his sons, Paul of Montreal and Michael of Kingston, his wife Valerie and step sons Morgan and Adrian Gatton of Parksville, his mother Madeline and sisters Micheline McKeowan and Claudette Marin of Brockville, his sister Marie Campbell of Windsor, his brother Yves of Napane and his brother Marc of Montreal.

In keeping with his wishes,

no public service will be held

Those who wish to gift in Guy’s honour may consider the Canadian Wildlife Federation, the SPCA or the Nanaimo Hospital Foundation.

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