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William (Bill) Arvil CLINT

December 29, 2015


William (Bill) Arvil Clint

Passed away on December 29, 2015, his 64th year

He is sadly missed by his daughter, Zoe, his sons Iggy and Hayden, his three surviving brothers Gord, Brian and Bruce, his sister Cheryl, aunts, uncles, and his many friends and admirers.

Bill had his own special way of passing through life. He was a peaceful man who was at ease with himself. He had a gentleness and kindness that stayed with him throughout his years. He took life with a grain of salt and readily laughed at the humour of everyday events. At the same time he was always aware of and quietly musing on the deeper meaning in life. This ever present reflection lives on in his music.

Bill’s strong and beautiful voice will continue in the music that he created and recorded. He had a remarkable talent for taking the everyday events in life and composing wonderful lyrics that make you look at life from a different angle. His songs related not just his experiences, but deeper truths of others around him, expressing both his own and their joys and sorrows. His lyrics, whether whimsical or profound, were backed by music that is strong and pure. He marched to the beat of his own drummer and he heard the sound loud and clear.

A funeral for Bill and a celebration of his life will be held at Yates Funeral Home, 1000 Allsbrook Road, Parksville at 1 pm on January 30, 2016.

You will be missed Bill. May you rest in peace.

Lots of love forever.

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