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As I see them

Apparently, “misleading and incorrect information” means anything BC Hydro does not agree with, or would like to have hidden.

Re: a letter to the editor in a recent edition of The NEWS from BC Hydro’s Gary Murphy concerning my motion on smart meters at the RDN.

I won’t bother with the evidence, it’s overwhelming. Let me comment as to style. Apparently, “misleading and incorrect information” means anything BC Hydro does not agree with, or would like to have hidden.

Comparing microwave with long wave and short wave is misleading. They have different properties and effects. The claim that microwave EMR does no harm comes from a peculiar logic process that assumes numbers count.

For example, it would conclude that there are no automobile collisions because the majority of cars do not exhibit collision damage.

The much-cited, but not quoted, B.C. Chief Health Officer can be seen on YouTube describing the Canada Safety Code 6 as “totally out of date . . . needs to be upgraded.”

Countries, including half of the global population, have now deemed cell phone (and smart meter) EMR to be dangerous to children. But not BC Hydro — they know better apparently.

I will continue to call them as I see them.

Julian Fell

RDN Director, Area F
