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Be bear cub sensible

I believe we need to bring some common sense and science to the issue of bear cubs

Putting aside the emotional aspects of the recent incident regarding the treatment of orphaned bear cubs in B.C., I believe we need to bring some common sense and science to the issue.

Wouldn’t it make sense for the government to host a meeting involving its own biologists, other than experienced bear biologists, representatives from the Conservation Officer Service and licensed bear rehabbers — such as Robin Campbell of the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association — to develop a science and experience-based policy for the disposition of orphaned bear cubs? The expertise is out there, surely it is time to use it.

It seems that the current government policy is either in disarray, or is unevenly applied in the province, with conservation offers’ time and other priorities driving decisions of whether to kill or save orphaned cubs.

If the problem is one of overworked conservation officers with too large an area to manage the wildlife consistently, then wouldn’t it be reasonable resolution be to amend staffing levels? Perhaps that should also be on the agenda of any serious discussion of this issue.

Rosemarie DavenportNanoose Bay