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Christian right behind the times

Our only newspaper has off and on printed letters to the editor dealing with doctrines of the Christian right.

Our only newspaper has off and on printed letters to the editor dealing with doctrines of the Christian right. As I read those I am reminded of a Firesign Theatre’s skit titled: ‘How can you be at two places at once when you’re really no where at all.’

Our religious zealots seem to wander from the spiritual to the secular depending which serves their purpose best.

I wonder if they sent support monies to the anti-abortion terrorist defence fund? I also wonder how they feel about their beloved Conservative Party at their recent convention embracing LBGT marriage and the Supreme Court’s direction re: assisted suicide.

Former MP James Lunney made no bones about his Christian beliefs and got elected multiple times with increasing majorities, but he zipped the lip because Prime Minister Stephen Harper early on said quite clearly that these issues were dealt with some years ago and it was not his government’s intention to go against Canadians’ wishes.

In other words changing the law re: abortion, gay marriage, etc. would make the Conservatives unelectable.

My advice to recent letter writers from the Christian right is to get active in the Conservative constituency, put convention resolutions on the floor, debate them vigorously and, if passed, hope they will lead to taking the country back 100 years.

They can then celebrate taking a woman’s right to choice away, arresting decent people for not being heterosexual, making dying with dignity illegal and bringing back capital and corporal punishment.

Carl HahnQualicum Beach

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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