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Climate change is a normal process

Scientists don't agree about the human causes of climate change

I refer to Neil Dawe’s letter (The News, Nov. 13) criticizing the letter of Alf Randal (The News, Nov. 9) as being, as he put it, “full of  nonsense.”

Everyone has the right to say what he is thinking!

Randall is absolutely right when he says that climate  change is caused by galactic forces and is absolutely normal.

He is not a climate change denier, he says climate change “does certainly happen.”

The theory of human caused climate change by carbon emissions is just a theory but not proved by any real scientists.

Why are people crying so much about climate change as a normal process?

Climate changes have been happening for five billion years, as long as this globe has existed — and more then 99 per cent of this time without humans on this globe.

Climate changes will happen also in the future with or without the so called pseudo scientists!

The only thing people can do is accept this climate changes as a normal process!

Wilfried G. Weber


Nanoose Bay



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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