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Corporate vs. non-profit accountability

Liberal MLA Michelle Stilwell says proposed changes to the Societies Act are “designed to improve accountability.”

Re: “Dragging the non-profits to court,” The NEWS, Tuesday, Dec. 16.

Liberal MLA Michelle Stilwell says finance minister Mike de Jong’s proposed changes to the Societies Act are “designed to improve accountability” because non-profit organizations (NPOs) are “largely self-governing.” This is from a government that believes the privately-owned corporate sector should be self-regulating.

Various levels of government often fund NPOs with grants: tax money. The B.C. Liberals, boasting financial responsibility, are now considering legislation allowing that money to be a target for privately-motivated litigation.

The fact that the same government also subsidizes a great deal of private corporate activity with publicly-generated funds makes this attempted new legislation particularly shady.

Wayne CameronParksville