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Emergency prep in Qualicum Beach

Thought you might like the story of the Qualicum Woods Residents’ Association potluck dinner July 12 at our home.

Thought you might like the story of the Qualicum Woods Residents’ Association potluck dinner July 12 at our home.

It was a great time of getting acquainted with our neighbours. We invited our fire chief, Darryl Kohse, because of our concern of the extreme dryness, heat and being adjacent to the Heritage Forest, and the story in The NEWS about the gentleman who found 60 cigarette butts.

Our fire chief explained our exit options and what we can do to help each other, which helped relieve our anxiety in the event of a firestorm and high winds.

We also had Rob Daman, our Qualicum Beach emergency coordinator, explain what we can do to be ready with our “go bag” by the door, ready to move in minutes from our house and that it should include contact information for your doctor, medicines, home insurance and policy, passports, important papers and other items listed in our emergency booklets. Daman has offered to come and speak to any group, any time.

We also expressed concern to Chief Kohse and Daman and our town council Monday night, of the approximately 10 per cent of our elderly neighbours who are not mobile and how that would be managed in an extreme emergency.

We are blessed to have a Town of Qualicum Beach with a very informed emergency status for us to plug into. So, if you don’t have your “go bag” ready, this is a great time to put it together.

Carol and Fred DoweQualicum Beach