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FAITH: Rejoicing in the recent rains

The rain has come again. Hallelujah, the rain has come again.

The rain has come again. Hallelujah, the rain has come again.

It’s hard to believe that people in this part of the world would rejoice over wet weather but they are rejoicing, even with the big wind that came with it.

It is a turn of events to have the weather forecasters now giving us hope that the sun will return instead of moaning and groaning because of the dry and parched conditions.

Could it be that we will experience a lot of precipitation between now and Christmas and then the real rains will come? From my point of view rain is preferable to the snow and cold most of the rest of the country has to look forward to.

With the rain comes a rejuvenation of the land and just in time for our trees and other plants. If it continues to rain and rain, we ought not worry for with the rain also comes the rainbow. Long ago God promised in His Word, the Bible, that the world would not be destroyed by flood again. The rainbow was given as a sign that rain would not be relentless; there would be a respite and a time for fairer days.

Rain comes into every life. Everyone has a week, a month, years when there seems to be never ending trouble and distress. Within all of that, and not to belittle it in any way, there come rainbows. We thank God for the rainbows; for the people who offer a word of encouragement, for a sparrow or a hummingbird or an eagle that lifts our spirits, for the sea life all around and the changing of the ocean, and for a still, small voice from God which declares “all is well” for those who continue to trust in Me.

The one thing that people around here dislike, most people at any rate, is change. For many change is not good news. It is a stepping down, a giving way in the face of adversity and challenges.

God is here for us and will continue to be so no matter what change has come for you and not matter how hard it seems at present.

All is well; continue to trust in God and He will see you through.

We’ve come through the drought and now have come the refreshing rains.

— Allan Walker is the pastor at Qualicum Baptist Church. E-mail: