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Fear a motivator

Canadians really need to reconnect with their humanity

Fear is a funny thing and yes it can be unnerving at times. However, you cannot deny it is one of the oldest game changers to man.

We see it in all walks of life. Most to all will find it within themselves. Some keep it buttoned up, then there are those grasping, greedy folks, always searching for power outside of themselves. For others, fear prevents a good number of dreams from being reached.

Ironically, the one greatest profit margin for pharmaceuticals today is antidepressants. Could this mean that depression is a symptom of a fear based society?

Fear is the driver used to define authority. You see it in the work place, dominating business owners that can bring a staff member to tears.

Governments drive their agendas on it, possibly the result of more wars today then ever before. Even, alarmists screaming fascism within a democratic society, are defined in mainstream as fear mongering radicals.

Cause, reaction, solution! Fear is the one driving force that can seem to get whatever ball rolling. Yet, intuitively I have come to believe a spiritual advancement will begin to get far more easier than ever before, and soon the truths of this world will no longer remain hidden.

Soon, this thing called fear will be replaced through reclaiming our history, our awareness and our humanity. Begin enjoying your moments, accept the unchangeable and remove yourself from the unacceptable.

Micheal Razberry

