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Geese innocent, too many humans

Four hundred-and-eighty-four individual lives were callously ended recently by order of the City of Parksville.

The message needs to be spread about what happened in the City of Parksville. Four hundred-and-eighty-four individual lives were callously ended recently by order of the City of Parksville.

One letter writer, Wayne Neville (The NEWS, July 7), accused those who care about other species of anthropomorphizing. He and his mentor from Winnipeg, still assume we are the only species capable of emotions and physical pain.

Truth is humans are not alone in feeling joy, pain and suffering. Geese, as are other species, are sentient beings.

Imagine the horror these 484 innocents felt when rounded up into a confined area, then hearing and seeing the bloody death by bolt guns of their dying children, mothers and fathers.

As for the term “cull” what’s with that? A human word invented to cover up our guilt and insensitivity sentencing other species to die simply because we find them inconvenient to our way of life.

Parksville created an unnatural environment around the Englishman River Estuary, an RV park, manicured lawns, sports fields, private residences and parking lots all of which degrade the area and send pollutants and contaminated sediments into the water system.

There is only one species that has overpopulated the planet and produced a way of life which is destroying this planet. Finger pointing towards other species for human mistakes is not the answer.

The philosophy primacy of the human species over all other species needs to end.  Those who care enough for other species to voice concern over the killing of a beautiful species are examples of compassionate humans working selflessly to move us positively forward to a balanced future.

For the record I became a vegetarian because of the callous attitude by the human animal toward other species.

Paul ConnollyParksville

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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