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I need MlA’s help

I would like to offer sincere congratulations to our MLA Michelle Stilwell on her success in the world championships in France.

I would like to offer sincere congratulations to our MLA Michelle Stilwell on her success in the world championships in France.

In recent weeks, I’ve been struggling with a difficult problem in our health care system. Many of my friends/neighbours suggested I contact our MLA. I have never in my 73 years contacted any MLA or MP, but I was getting desperate so I thought I’d give it a try.

I e-mailed Stilwell. The e-mail  was returned as undeliverable. I phoned The NEWS and asked about the whereabouts of her office/phone number. I was given the phone number of her administrative assistant. I did contact her and gave her information as to my problems. She replied to me and I forwarded her a letter which I had sent.

This took place July 10. As I write this letter, it is July 31 and I have not as yet heard from either our MLA or her administrative assistant.

In the meantime, I have solved some of my problems myself. I do however wonder which is more important, winning races or helping constituents? It does make me question the priorities of our MLA.

Cathryn Bolton

Qualicum Beach