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Janitors don’t just scrub toilets

Does she think custodians walk around scrubbing toilets all day?

Re: a quote attributed to Arrowsmith Independent School’s Colleen Murray in a story in the Tuesday, Aug. 9 edition of The NEWS (“We’ll have a janitor. If we are asking you to pay tuition, you shouldn’t have to scrub toilets.”)

I was dismayed and more than a little alarmed by the language used by this person. Does she think custodians walk around scrubbing toilets all day? Is this how this school will be teaching our kids? No wonder there is so much disrespect out there.

Hospitals, schools, labs, etc. have little ‘germfests’ happening on every inch of their premises. Custodians and cleaners protect you the public on a daily basis from these nasty microbes.

Without exception, my clients express genuine appreciation for my hard work serving them and our environment.

Shame on Murray and pity for the hapless janitor who serves you.

Carleen EllisQualicum Beach