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LETTER: Discarding of cigarette butts can cause devastating fires

Change in mindset needed for safety purposes

Everyone hears over and over how discarded cigarettes have started devastating fires.

When a smoker tosses their cigarette it is with this knowledge. Of course no one expects their cigarette to start a fire. A cigarette is an incendiary device. You light it on fire and inhale its smoke. However, when the smoker gives up possession of their cigarette it becomes everyone’s problem. Let’s call it what it is. Attempted arson.

If the smoker would say those two words before they thoughtlessly toss the “supposed” out butt perhaps they would think twice and realize the ramifications.

If you can take it out of a package, smoke it, you certainly can dispose of it safely in a container. Now is the time for this mind shift, please!

Jill Schwandt

Qualicum Beach