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LETTER: Elected government officials must think outside the box

Solution needed for Ravensong pool tax issue
(File art)

Re: RDN wants Area E (Nanoose Bay) to pay taxes for Ravensong

Some elected government officials cannot think outside the box.

Rather than raising taxes, government should not be involved in the management of any activity which can be better performed by the private sector.

A better approach would be for a not-for-profit society to manage Ravensong through the user-pay principle. The society would sell memberships to frequent users who will get a discount off the prevailing user fee of the facility. Moreover, the user fee should vary based on the popularity of a time window such as hour of day and day of week.

User fees would be higher for popular time windows and lower for less popular times.

Anthonie den Boef

Nanoose Bay

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