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LETTER: Interruptions during public hearing appalling

Re: Hope for a spirited but respectful meeting ( The NEWS, June 14).

Re: Hope for a spirited but respectful meeting (The NEWS, June 14).

Unbelievable hypocrisy. Paul Reitsma refers back to a rezoning public hearing in 1990. At that time he asked the attendees to “respect the views of others” and he hopes “this will be so on June 19.” Yet Paul Reitsma was one of the rudest of the naysaying speakers, blatantly ignoring the present mayor when asked to stop speaking, in the interest of time and allowing others to speak.

I was appalled by the rudeness in general of attendees who continually clapped and interrupted, asked not to do so as a matter of due process. I couldn’t help but notice that this behaviour was more obvious from the con contingent.

As a past teacher, I had really wanted to get up and state that these poor listeners should go back to kindergarten and re-learn how to follow directions, but that wasn’t on the agenda.

Eleanor Thompson
