Local newspapers are a lifeline for the people in our communities. Most of us take this communication for granted and we may not realize our newspaper’s impact on our daily lives until it no longer exists. I was watching the evening news on television and the newscaster was discussing how over thirty newspapers in Ontario had been purchased by a larger and powerful newspaper so that they would not compete with the larger paper in the province. How will this closing of community newspapers affect the communities and the people within them?
Our Parksville/Qualicum paper is one of these amazing community newspapers. It shares the successes of residents, young and old. It ensures individuals are aware of local government decisions that may impact them. It informs us of upcoming events so we can engage in our community and meet new people. It enables us to expand our horizons. It informs us of loved residents who have passed in the obituary section. It enables us to recycle, sell and purchase items. It ensures we can find a local individual to fix our roof, install a new bathtub, or build that new deck. It shares letters to the editor, giving residents the chance to state their opinions. Our newspaper is the epicenter of our community and the lives within it.
I sincerely hope residents fully appreciate and are thankful for the dedicated work of all employees of our newspaper. Reading the weekly articles while sipping a morning cup of coffee is a comforting tradition. It is up to all of us to support our local newspaper and to support the staff who create it. This newspaper keeps our community cohesive, creates new friendships, and shares knowledge. It must be supported by our community so that a wonderful tradition is never lost!
Faye Carmody