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LETTER: Parksville tree lovers have support in Qualicum Beach

Re: Parksville council backs away from tree-free bylaw ( Letters , Jan. 18). We tree lovers in Qualicum Beach stand in solidarity with Parksville tree lovers. We are grateful for your letters articulating the importance of green in our Island cities.

Re: Parksville council backs away from tree-free bylaw (Letters, Jan. 18). We tree lovers in Qualicum Beach stand in solidarity with Parksville tree lovers. We are grateful for your letters articulating the importance of green in our Island cities.

Why can’t the money-making developer take the trouble to preserve the trees? And why can’t city councillors insist?

We are in a dire state in Qualicum Beach. Five hundred trees were cut down in 2017. They are only a memory now. Surely, capacity to preserve the trees should be an important criteria for permitting a developer. Our Qualicum Beach town council is utterly complacent in allowing developers to cut down just about anything.

Thanks, Parksville tree lovers, from your soulmates in Qualicum Beach.

Cecil Bosher

Qualicum Beach