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LETTER: Solutions needed for lack of accessible health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach

‘Delays for care are unacceptably long’
(File art)

The ability to access health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach is becoming incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

Despite this fact our town administrators and regional districts continue to approve building/development permits in our community.

We are aware of substantially more impending development in Parksville and Port Alberni.

I certainly appreciate the fact that these building sites supply jobs and support local businesses. Increasing tax revenue for town administration is a wonderful thing.

However, I would have hoped that a mandate of our elected leaders would be to ensure adequate health care services be available for those already in our community and for those new to our community before they facilitate and encourage developers to build more accommodation.

Health care is becoming extremely difficult to access.

Elderly are moving here and cannot find a primary care provider.

We, the primary care providers, find citizens in incredibly precarious circumstances. Adults present unable to follow up on cancer diagnoses. Dementia patients are moving to senior’s housing (both independent and assisted living) without ensuring available care. Delays for care are unacceptably long.

May I make a radical suggestion?

For the approval of a building/development permit, the applicant and/or elected official must be able to ensure access to adequate primary health care services in the community for the potential new residents.

It is hard to believe that ensuring a healthy community is not in the bylaws already. If it is in the bylaws then this provision is certainly being overlooked.

Despite the best efforts of the local primary care providers and the Division of Family Practice we cannot keep up with the demand. The Health Authority cannot pull new care providers out of their back pockets. A solution needs to be found for this dilemma.

Dr. Clair Biglow

Qualicum Beach

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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