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Marijuana legalization

I have heard this too many times: if people are going to smoke it we may as well legalize it.

Re: legalization of recreational marijuana.

I have heard this too many times: if people are going to smoke it we may as well legalize it. Well, people are going to use hard drugs, continue to enslave young children into drug use and prostitution and continue stealing to support their habits. Do we legalize it all now?

These problems are going to get worse once it is legalized because we will lose control under this Liberal-minded thinking. We have not kept drinking or smoking problems from our children by legalizing it for adults.

For those who say marijuana is not a gateway to harder drugs, mental illnesses and psychosis and lack of motivation, I say it is time to open your eyes. Please check out the Government of Canada website (health risks of marijuana use).

It seems to be an argument with the pot smokers and many politicians that there are no damaging effects with recreational marijuana use and yes, I agree and I’m in favour of medicinal use if appropriately monitored, which has had proven benefits for those that need it. Sadly, that monitoring system is not in place.

Drugs affect people in different ways. Some will get away with marijuana use, but sadly there will be a great percentage that will not.

Evidence only points to negative effects before the age of 25, so why would we want to risk damaging a whole generation of our children for the sake of legalizing marijuana.

This not only affects them, but as with alcoholics, impaired driving, drug addiction and cancer patients due to smoking, it also affects whole families, the health system, the public moral system and the generations of children to follow. Now, with the new prime minister’s mandate, we need to stand up quickly to the politicians to stop the legalization of recreational marijuana use before it is too late.

Kelvin SheelerParksville