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Occupiers have a point

There are some very good reasons why protest continues

I was listening to the radio this morning and all I kept hearing was blatant bias concerning the occupy movement… comments like, the reporter saying, “they hate people like me, because I have a job, a pension and that I work for a corporation that ‘Heaven Forbid’ makes a profit.” And “I see they’re only a few left there now and they are all unemployed.”

He even said that he heard them snoring in their tents on his way to work, and also, commented about all the money it’s costing the taxpayers to police these people. “Heck’ they don’t even have a point — just a hodgepodge of different signs — why don’t they do us all a favour and go home.”

“What a load of nonsense.” I said to myself… this dinosaur reporter just doesn’t get it!

The number one reason we are there is to protect his rights to have a job and to guarantee he gets a pension, and we don’t begrudge companies making a profit — we begrudge them making billions and giving out million dollar bonuses to their executives, that come from overseas outsourcing, slave labour and cutting costs like health benefits and human rights.

As far as the ones still there being the unemployed… who else could stay there, when everyone else has had to go back to work, and as for as them snoring, well hello’ what do you expect at 5 a.m. in the morning… an orgy?

Finally as far as the issues go, try and pick just one from the hundreds of signs… all of which are important. Everything is a mess, and why is that? All he has to do to find out is read the signs. Corporate greed, corrupt government and the utterly incompetent leaders – and that is why we are there.

John St. John

