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Parksville’s upstream water dangers

I have watched the planning and wringing of hands on the Englishman River watershed and aquifer storage planning for Parksville.

I have watched the planning and wringing of hands on the Englishman River watershed and aquifer storage planning for Parksville.

Several questions come to mind. What is plan B should this grandiose scheme fail to come to fruition?

Any plan of this magnitude must have a backup plan should another course have to be taken. Is plan B simply to carry on as we have and expect more water restrictions in the coming years or is there another option?

With plan A, how do we know that potable water, after being cleaned up at a cost and then pumped underground at a cost, will remain in this glacial aquifer and not simply run into the ocean?

Is there any measure of assurance that I, as a water purveyor, cannot simply drill next door and siphon it off for whatever vision I have?

How is the upstream land base used to ensure that the aquifer will not be contaminated by products used at businesses and farms that simply have run-off that leaches into the aquifer?

Water tables everywhere are falling and with that all upstream water will fill the voids, and a lot of it is not very potable.

Putting your own good money after bad is never wise and using taxpayers money to do this is even worse.

I think before another nickel is spent on this project there should be a clear look at all options to determine if one is more viable long term than another.

Remember that E&N right-of-way that might become available if the railroad doesn’t get its act together? There is a great access for examining other potential options and distributing upland water.

Bob TritschlerParksville