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School kids wrong target for trash diatribe

I got a chuckle over Lance Nater’s letter to the editor the other day, regarding the Garbage Busters program ( Garbage Busters should crack down in schoolyard , The NEWS , March 1).

I got a chuckle over Lance Nater’s letter to the editor the other day, regarding the Garbage Busters program (Garbage Busters should crack down in schoolyard, The NEWS, March 1).

After leading the charge against the elimination of future age restrictions in Qualicum Beach, it appears he has expanded his scope to include picking on elementary school kids.

While I see it as entirely acceptable to take on the mantle of “defender of the aged,” methinks this takes the battle two steps too far.

Two steps? Yes. The first step over the line was to somehow link this group of dedicated and passionate schoolchildren to any trash littered by anybody in the vicinity of their school. These kids and their teacher are trying to do something positive for the community and this is simply unfair. Most of the trash in question lines the sides of the road and likely comes from passing drivers. Does Mr. Nater actually think it’s a good idea for elementary students to be walking down both sides of the road to pick up this litter? Really?

Secondly, I found it revealing that Mr. Nater made his observations while walking his dog in the school playground.

Mr. Nater is an honourable man and a good and diligent person, so I’m confident that when his dog goes to the bathroom, he mops up all the pee and cleans up the vast majority of the poo. After all, with little children playing in the playground, it would be deeply unfortunate if the remnants of Mr. Nater’s dog leavings were to end up on some kid’s hand or shoe.

While I find it unfortunate some people in this town have such a bloated sense of entitlement they feel it’s OK to limit this town to their age demographic, it’s disappointing that the fight has to spill over into the playground.

Neil Horner

Qualicum Beach