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Spring’s mystery

Notice and enjoy all of the spring season’s various resurrections

Snow, sleet and freezing rain thwarted thoughts of spring for a day or two, but the sunshine has allowed us to think once more of daffodils, golf, warm breezes and, speaking personally, riding my motorcycle.

With thoughts of spring, some folks also look to the arrival of Easter and the promise of new life, transformation and resurrection. When I listen to the news and hear of neighbourhood beatings, political manipulation, ongoing poverty, discrimination and hate crimes, I wonder what significance resurrection has for the world.

The mystery of resurrection is that we can’t pin it down or predict its coming and sometimes we miss it all together. It is found in the laugh of an elder, the wonder of a child, a changed life, new love and whenever we notice the Holy in the ordinary. Easter breaks into our world in unexpected ways offering us possibilities that at one time seemed impossible.

Resurrection is not a return to what once was, rather a chance to journey in a new way, with a new direction and new prospects. The stories of Easter faith and transformation remind us that there is hope and that we can be a part of that hope. Small gifts of kindness, an encouraging word, a compassionate hand on a shoulder, can make a difference in a person’s life, and offer resurrection.

The amazing love, generosity, hope for the marginalized, and healing for the broken that Jesus offers, is confirmed in his life, death and resurrection. God is not distant, rather the Holy One is as close as our own breath, offering us a new chance and new life.

Notice and enjoy the signs of spring and be open to the wonder of God among us. Resurrection’s mystery is for everyone, stay awake and be a part of the possibilities of life lived to the fullest.

Hilde J. Seal is one of the

Ministers at Knox United

Church, Parksville.