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Thanks for proving my point

I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Kellerman’s response to my letter to the editor.

I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Kellerman’s response to my letter to the editor (The News, Sept. 20).  Mr. Kellerman missed my point by a country mile.

I was critical of council’s interfering in an area where it has no expertise, authority or responsibility and given its anti development stance, suggested, with some irony that was part of the problem.

Mr. Kellerman seems to think that only those who have worked hard for decades need apply for residence in this town.

Well, for his information, I have worked hard for decades, can afford to, and am living happily in Qualicum Beach as a retiree.

I do thank him for one thing, however.   His I’ve got mine and screw you attitude is exactly what I meant by the NIMBYism  which is entirely too prevalent in this town and to which our politicians unfortunately too often cater.

Jack MacLean, Qualicum Beach