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Time to break out the tinfoil hats

It’s obvious there is no shortage of conspiracy theorists in the Parksville/Qualicum region.

Don’t confuse me with facts and pass the tinfoil hats!

It’s obvious there is no shortage of conspiracy theorists in the Parksville/Qualicum region.

BC Hydro and the so-called smart meters are out to get you into a monstrous data base that will benefit a shadow government who is generating chem trails in the sky for some clandestine reason.

Big brother is out to exert “population control” and God knows what else by putting “things” in our food. You simply can’t make this stuff up.

We need more of this.

There is definitely a shortage of comic relief in The News.

Many thanks for this article. This reminds me of quote by Abraham Lincoln, who said: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

Wayne Dwernychuk, Parksville

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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