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We like things just the way they are now

Vote result shows that Oceanside residents like the status quo

Yes, there seems to be strong support for the course our returning politicians have taken to preserve our communities. These are people who actually live here with us and seem to wish to improve what we like about this area we all choose to live in.

Politicians with the wish for more enterprise and profit through endless development will hopefully realize that most of us chose to live here because we like it as it is, not as it will be in some visionary’s scenario of built up shore lines and jobs through industrializing this part of B.C.

We do not want that here, as indicated by this election. Of course we want jobs  but we need to make choices that  are not detrimental to our quality of life just for the sake of jobs and for some entrepreneur to make money from us.

No one who lives in Parksville, unless they stay in those towers, wants to see more beachfront development or more unsustainable growth that only serves to raise the taxes of those who already enjoy living here.

Endless growth is endless raising of costs to us all to the benefit of a few, only. Resources like water are finite and we must not build beyond capacity. I am glad to see that others in this district are of like mind and that those who are not are far outnumbered.

The cry for development and entrepreneurship is endless but those who live here seem to be happy with the choice for less pay and more good quality of life in our small towns which may seem underdeveloped to those who live outside it. Kind of like that ‘civilizing’ we did of those ‘primitive’ societies we ruined so long ago. Sometimes less is more, innit?

Dianne Carson

