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Wi-Fi not dangerous

In virtually every house in this city, there are installed devices with the singular purpose of emitting radiation.

In virtually every house in this city, there are installed devices with the singular purpose of emitting radiation. The device? The common light bulb.

Recently, many letters to the editor in The NEWS have been raising concerns about the risks posed by increased Wi-Fi radiation. This is absurd, considering Wi-Fi operates in the radio wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Certain kinds of radiation are harmful, this is true. However, they have much shorter wave lengths, clear on the other side of the spectrum. When people think of radiation causing harm, they’re thinking of ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation, such as radio waves or visible light, doesn’t pose the same risks.

There have been studies done, and not one person who claimed to be able to physically tell when they’re in the presence of Wi-Fi or other radio waves have ever managed to demonstrate the ability in a controlled environment. Wi-Fi does not cause headaches. Wi-Fi does not scare away the birds. Please consider reading up on an issue before rallying against it.

Jeffrey Peters
