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You have to be kidding about Trump

Re: ‘Mainstream Media Not Doing Good Job on U.S. Election’

Re: ‘Mainstream Media Not Doing Good Job on U.S. Election’, letter to the editor by Leonard M. Melman in the Oct. 18 edition of The NEWS.

You are kidding, right? As a billboard in northeastern U.S. reads, No One for President. Has to be better than Donald Trump, who has absolutely no idea about politics or running a country, which is why he has to divert his comments to petty unsubstantiated non-facts and name calling.

It is interesting how everyone is a liar except him, who likely wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in his orange face. Even the tiny tots he has been trying to kiss in recent days are smart enough to turn away from this smarmy excuse of a presidential candidate.

At least the Obamas, Clintons, Bushes and Ryans pay their staff and their taxes.

Sorry, I just cannot believe that anyone, especially a wise Canadian, could possibly be a Trump supporter. I could only be more shocked if the writer were female.

Jennifer Fleming

Qualicum Beach

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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