A Vancouver driver has more than just high gas prices to worry about, after getting some hefty fines.
Police issued two distracted driving tickets on Monday within six minutes to the same driver – on the same street.
Two distracted driving tickets issued yesterday within six minutes by two different officers to the same driver, in the same car, for using their cell phone. Make road safety a priority. #LeaveYourPhoneAlone #DontDriveDistracted! #VPD #KnowYourPartBC @icbc pic.twitter.com/zbqUhoT4C8
— VPD Traffic Unit (@VPDTrafficUnit) March 19, 2019
The male driver of the Honda Civic was ticketed by two different officers for using an electronic device.
Fines for both tickets total more than $700.
READ MORE: Dad’s vehicle impounded after driver clocked at 136 km/h in 50 zone
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