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SOS parking issue has a solution nearby

Enough with the lousy parking at the SOS. The SOS has the traffic of a large department store and the parking lot for a 7/11.

Would you buy a used car from these people?

British Columbians will soon be facing a recurring political dilemma. Deciding which provincial party to vote for is much like purchasing a new vehicle in a town with four dealerships.

Press powers MLA response

In a followup to my original letter (April 4) on the lack of a reply from Michele Stilwell or John Horgan to letters I wrote to both, I wanted everyone to know the power of the press.

So, who speaks for The NEWS?

I’ve waited a few issues to ensure it was a new policy — it appears it is. Editorials are no longer signed, as they were with the previous editor.

Hydro debt is symptom, not disease

Bravo to Stan Gauthier and Len Walker for their slamming of BC Hydro’s mismanagement, ( The NEWS March 23 ). The letters were well researched and clear — but in truth the situation described is inevitable, given the unquestioned but hopelessly un-democratic process of party funding by private donation.

Don’t ignore people’s differences

Re: Parksville reverend helps bring faiths together ( The NEWS , March 9):

Time for politicians to be accountable

I wrote an email to Michelle Stilwell complaining about yet another ferry rate increase and asking her to speak up on our behalf. That was two weeks ago. I have not even received an acknowledgement of the receipt of the email. However, she did have time to be down at the community park for a photo op this past Saturday.

Vibrant community requires cross-section of people

Re: Lack of affordable housing a concern for QB residents ( The NEWS , March 30).

Rude shopper doesn’t speak for community

Re: Should be parking for expectant mothers ( The NEWS , March 30).

Re-branding should begin with QB teepee

Re: Qualicum Beach mayor suggests RDN rebrand ( The NEWS , March 30).