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LETTER: Lack of timely health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach poses huge problem

LETTER: Lack of timely health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach poses huge problem

‘Unless this happens, the situation will become even worse’
LETTER: Lack of access to primary care in Parksville Qualicum Beach is ‘scandalous’

LETTER: Lack of access to primary care in Parksville Qualicum Beach is ‘scandalous’

‘High time’ government attracts more GPs and nurse practitioners to Mid-Island area
LETTER: City of Parksville needs to require licences for cats, stop them from roaming

LETTER: City of Parksville needs to require licences for cats, stop them from roaming

Writer offers kudos to Nanaimo for their move
LETTER: People need to remove waste from Qualicum Beach parks

LETTER: People need to remove waste from Qualicum Beach parks

Some people’s cavalier attitude towards our beautiful parks here in Qualicum reveal an unbelievable attitude of irresponsibility and intentional disregard and destruction toward our “jewel of a park”.
LETTER: Embattled B.C. forest industry needs government leadership

LETTER: Embattled B.C. forest industry needs government leadership

Industry getting attention ‘for all the wrong reasons’

LETTER: Lack of access to primary care in Parksville Qualicum Beach is ‘scandalous’

‘High time’ government attracts more GPs and nurse practitioners to Mid-Island area
LETTER: Solutions needed for lack of accessible health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach

LETTER: Solutions needed for lack of accessible health care in Parksville Qualicum Beach

‘Delays for care are unacceptably long’
LETTER: City of Parksville should consider animal responsibility bylaw

LETTER: City of Parksville should consider animal responsibility bylaw

‘Many local folks I have talked to are in agreement’
LETTER: Dr. Bonnie Henry maintains a quiet dignity

LETTER: Dr. Bonnie Henry maintains a quiet dignity

Have always admired the cool, calm and collected way that Chief Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry presented pandemic facts and figures to the citizens of British Columbia.
LETTER: Robins have not made annual return to Nanoose Bay yard

LETTER: Robins have not made annual return to Nanoose Bay yard

There is a mature Mountain Ash tree in the backyard of a home I have owned for more than 30 years.